How Can Startups Use The Power Of Social Media

Startups Social Media
  • LinkedIn

  • 35% of LinkedIn users the network daily.

  • There are over 1 million groups on LinkedIn. A Startup can always find a group that is relevant.

  • LinkedIn has over 200 million users. This means 200 million people can help a startup, either as partners or buyers.


  • GOOGLE+ is the 2nd-biggest social network with 343 million active users.

  • 40% of marketers use GOOGLE+, 70% desire to learn more and 67% plan to increase GOOGLE+ activities.

  • The +1 button acts as a \'stamp of approval’. Which can indirectly to a better page rank.


  • Facebook is the king of social networks, with Over 700 million active monthly users.

  • It is the best place where startup can interact with its customer base.

  • Social plugins & custom apps Facebook can become great tools to engage potential customers.


  • Twitter has over 230 million active monthly users. And twitter hashtags are -perhaps the fastest way of spreading a message.

  • 68% of twitter users are more likely to buy from the brands they follow.

  • Twitter search is an effective tool for finding out what people are saying about a certain topic.


  • Pinterest is the fastest growing social network, with a growth rate of 88% over the last 12 months.

  • Pinterest has over 70 million active monthly users, more than 67% of them are female.

  • Great place for brand promotion if a startup deals with the food or the fashion industry.

  • YouTube

  • YouTube is the 3rd biggest social network, moving ahead of twitter.

  • Creating videos is a new approach in brand promotion. YouTube also has major SEO values.

  • The emotional chords that videos can string are much more powerful than text or pictures.

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