50 Ways to Market Your Online Business

online business online business
  • SEO optimize your content

  • Create an attractive website

  • Create social media profiles

  • Build an email list

  • Connect your personal Facebook profile to your Facebook business page

  • Get on Facebook Live / Periscope/ other live streaming tools

  • Conduct a webinar

  • Hold a viral giveaway

  • Ask ex-customers for referrals

  • Put up a recorded video about your offering

  • Create an infographic and share it

  • Join Facebook / Linkedin groups

  • Share on Google + Communities

  • Get on Twitter and start talking to people

  • Initiate joint ventures with other people in your niche

  • Join someone’s program and become their star student

  • Don’t hesitate to praise your competitors (or anyone for that matter)

  • Be a guest teacher in someone else’s program

  • Have social sharing plugins on your site

  • Create freebies and repeatedly request for people to share

  • Conduct a free challenge

  • Offer people free spots to your course/ to get on a free call with you

  • Leverage on holidays to boost sales

  • Get on directories like Yelp and Google Places

  • Paid social media traffic

  • Other paid ads

  • Create your very own affiliate program

  • Guest post on larger sites

  • Send press releases to get coverage for your business

  • Create a content round-up, email these influencers and they will share it with their audience.

  • Have a great launch party whenever you do something new

  • Republish your content on Medium

  • Use Wisestamp and update your email signature

  • Get friendly with other peer bloggers – support and grow each other

  • Host your own Podcast

  • Host your own interview show on Youtube

  • Write testimonials for people

  • Help influential people out

  • Be controversial

  • Use relevant hashtags on Instagram

  • Add your freebie/ product offering into the profile description of all your social media accounts

  • Create content and pin them consistently onto Pinterest

  • Connect with people liberally on Linkedin

  • Use Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

  • Get interviewed

  • Participate in forums

  • Repurpose blog posts and place it on Slideshare

  • Leverage on online marketplace sites

  • Offer your products/ services to bloggers for free in exchange for a review

  • Always overdeliver and impress the socks off ALL your customers

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