30 Day Challenge for New Bloggers

new bloggers new bloggers
  • 1. 10 Random facts about you

  • 2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

  • 3. What is your typical daily routine?

  • 4. Your opinion on a recent news story

  • 5. A motivational quote and what it means to you

  • 6. A letter to your teenage self

  • 7. Express gratitude to three people

  • 8. What are your goals for this year?

  • 9. A book you love

  • 10. 5 Apps you wouldn\'t be without

  • 11. The meaning behind your blog name

  • 12. Advice for people starting out in [your profession]

  • 13. How to ______

  • 14. 5 Blogs you read regularly and why

  • 15. Your top 5 productivity tips

  • 16. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

  • 17. Who is your role model and why?

  • 18. Best advice you received from your parents

  • 19. A wishlist

  • 20. A favourite song lyric and what it means to you

  • 21. 5 Books you recommend

  • 22. If you won the lottery, what would you do?

  • 23. What have you learned today?

  • 24. An accomplishment you are proud of

  • 25. Create and share a vision board

  • 26. Somewhere you\'d like to visit and why

  • 27. What is one thing you want to learn?

  • 28. Useful resources for people in your industry

  • 29. Describe yourself in three words and explain

  • 30. Your current priorities in life

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