RS3 Ancient Curses Quests - 10/08/17
Every quest required to complete The Temple At Sennistan
A 1 indicates it is the last in the quest line, a 2 indicates you should do that before the 1 above it, same goes for 3 4 and 5
A # means the quest needs Priest in Peril, an * means it requires Troll Stronghold and thus Death Plateau, an @ means it needs Temple of Ikov
1 Desert Treasure#@*
2 The Dig Site
2 Temple of Ikov
2 The Tourist Trap
2 Priest in Peril#
2 Waterfall Quest
2 Troll Stronghold
3 Death Plateau
2 Wanted!#
1 Devious Minds *
4 Druidic Ritual
3 Recruitment Drive
3 The Lost Tribe
4 Goblin Diplomacy
3 Priest in Peril
2 What's Mine is Yours
2 Abyss (Miniquest)
1 The Curse of Arrav
2 Defender of Varrock*@
3 The Knight's Sword
3 Demon Slayer
3 Family Crest
4 Rune Mysteries
4 Creature of Fenkenstrain
3 What Lies Below
3 Garden of Tranquillity
2 Shades of Mort'ton
2 Troll Romance*
2 The Tale of Muspath
3 The Golem
3 Ictharlarin's Little Helper
2 Missing my Mummy
4 The Restless Ghost
4 Gertrude's Cat
4 Diamond in the Rough
5 Stolen Hearts
You also need 33 Quest Points to do Wanted!, 125 Kudos, someone to do Shield of Arrav with, and to completely restore Senliten's tomb
Skills needed to complete all these quests
61 Agility
35 Construction
35 Cooking
25 Farming
45 Crafting
50 Firemaking
50 Fletching
10 Herblore
51 Hunter
59 Magic
64 Mining
50 Prayer
50 Runecrafting
64 Ranged
37 Slayer
65 Smithing
64 Strength
41 Summoning
66 Thieving
10 Woddcutting