Design Acceptance Checklist
The components are in line with the material design components.
There is no overlap between the components.
Outer margin is 16dp.
The inner margin is 8dp.
The fonts are all the same.
The colours used corresponds to the config theme.
The font size is in line with android standards.
The Error screen is supplied with the design, if applicable.
The Loading State screen is supplied with the design, if applicable
The Empty State screen is supplied with the design, if applicable.
All icons are of the right size relative to other icons in the same category.
The design provides a good user experience and determines if it can be improved without affecting the requirement.
That the screen size used for the design is 360px wide.
That the margins of the edges of the screen are evenly spaced and follows Android standards
UPPER CASE characters are used in very restricted cases — acronyms, buttons for example.
Any icons and images present are in. svg format.
Request a design prototype, if possible.
Or Determine whether an entirely new component is present in the design that has not been previously used and whether any existing components can be used to achieve the requirement.