Park Attendant Checklist
Unlock washroom doors at beginning of shift.
Clean washrooms #1
Clean Toilets and Mirrors
Garbages/Sanitary containers emptied
Touchpoints are sanatized (toilet handle, sink taps, door handles, etc)
Sweep floors - ensure they are free of debris
Trim and Edge Grass in the following areas:
Trees and benches
Pool and Splash Pad Buildings
Garden Beds, Fences and Walls
Splash Pad Review
Splash Pad is free from debris (objects, leafs, pinecones, trash etc.)
Splash Pad Apparatuses are in working condition (Watch water come out of all fixtures)
All shelters are clean and free of debris
Park Review
Check all benches and picnic tables - ensure they are in good condition
Empty Waste Bins in the Park
Clean washrooms #2
Clean Toilets and Mirrors
Garbages/Sanitary containers emptied
Touchpoints are sanatized (toilet handle, sink taps, door handles, etc)
Sweep floors - ensure they are free of debris
King Street Cleaning
Walk up King Street - Pick up Garbage on King Street (from St. Lawrence to Edward and back)
End of Shift Tasks
Turn all lights off at end of shift
Lock all doors at end of shift