Great Plains School
commons area
install louver in mezzanine
hang kitchen hood
hook up fresh air to hood
exhaust goose neck on roof
finish exhaust duct from old louver
reroute bathroom exhaust out the side wall north side
install fire/smoke damper in wall by kitchen
remove. and reinstall cabinet unit heater in classroom
cut in curb for fresh air to existing heating unit in old part of school
finish demo of old louver in mech. room
run dishwasher ductwork closer to new dishwasher
finish running pipe in entryway of school on the north end
set unit on curb outside
layout holes to the theater
see if dishwasher hood is in warehouses
fresh air ductwork needs to be insulated before paint
measure grease duct once kitchen hood is hung
see if mills will glue stainless sheets on for us
talk to electricians about unhooking unit heater in classroom
line up crane for setting unit outside on curb
go over new hole layout for louver for unit heater
find out kitchen hood hight
line up roofer for new fresh air curb on old building
go over slot diffusers in Commons area with ceiling guy