Pokemon Sword and Shield Galar Pokedex - 08/15/21 (1)
Locations of all 400(+) Galar Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Contains Story Spoilers. Contains the most common/easiest locations or requirements for obtaining each available Pokemon. Pokemon may be available in more places than those listed. Does not include information about Max Raid Battles. **Up-to-date as of 5/30/2020 (Pre-DLC)**

#002 Thwackey - Evolve from Grookey (level 16)
#001 Grookey - Starter, obtained from Champion Leon at the start of the adventure
#003 Rillaboom - Evolve from Thwackey (level 35)
#004 Scorbunny - Starter, obtained from Champion Leon at the start of the adventure
#005 Raboot - Evolve from Scorbunny (level 16)
#006 Cinderace - Evolve from Raboot (level 35)
#007 Sobble - Starter, obtained from Champion Leon at the start of the adventure
#008 Drizzile - Evolve from Sobble (level 16)
#009 Inteleon - Evolve from Drizzile (level 35)
#010 Blipbug - Route 1 (tall grass), Route 2 (tall grass), Route 2 Lakeside (overworld, tall grass)
#011 Dottler - Evolve from Blipbug (level 10); Route 5 (tall grass), Giant's Cap (overworld, tall grass)
#012 Orbeetle - Evolve from Dottler (level 30); Lake of Outrage (wandering, normal weather), Deep Slumbering Weald (overworld, tall grass)
#013 Caterpie - Route 1 (tall grass)
#014 Metapod - Evolve from Caterpie (level 7); Rolling Fields (overworld, tall grass in some weather)
#015 Butterfree - Evolve from Metapod (level 10); Rolling Fields (flying, best during normal weather or overcast), Giant's Mirror (overworld during overcast)
#016 Grubbin - Route 1 (tall grass), Dappled Grove (tall grass during rain/thunderstorm)
#017 Charjabug - Evolve from Grubbin (level 20); Axew's Eye (tall grass during rain), Dusty Bowl (tall grass during thunderstorm)
#018 Vikavolt - Evolve from Charjabug (Thunder Stone); Giant's Seat (wandering during normal weather/overcast/intense sun/sandstorm)
#019 Hoothoot - Route 1 (tall grass), Dappled Grove (overworld, best during normal weather/overcast)
#020 Noctowl - Evolve from Hoothoot (level 20); Motostoke Outskirts (overworld), Giant's Cap (overworld, best during normal weather)
#021 Rookidee - Route 1 (overworld), Route 2 (overworld)
#022 Corvisquire - Evolve from Rookidee (level 18); Route 3 (wandering, all weather), Giant's Mirror (flying, all weather)
#023 Corviknight - Evolve from Corvisquire (level 38); Giant's Cap (wandering, all weather), North Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather)
#024 Skwovet - Route 4 and Route 5 (100% chance when shaking berry trees)
#025 Greedent - Evolve from Skwovet (level 24); Routes 6, 7, and 9 (100% chance when shaking berry trees)
#026 Pidove - Rolling Fields (flying, all weather), East Lake Axewell (flying, all weather)
#027 Tranquill - Evolve from Pidove (level 21); Stony Wilderness (flying, all weather)
#028 Unfezant - Evolve from Tranquill (level 32); Hammerlocke Hills (flying, all weather)
#029 Nickit - Route 2 (overworld), Dusty Bowl (overworld, best during normal weather)
#030 Thievul - Evolve from Nickit (level 18); Route 7 (overworld), South Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather)
#031 Zigzagoon (Galarian) - Route 3 (overworld), Bridge Field (overworld, all weather)
Zigzagoon (Hoennian) - Transfer a Zigzagoon not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#032 Linoone (Galarian) - Evolve from Zigzagoon (level 20); Bridge Field (wandering, all weather)
Linoone (Hoennian) - Transfer a Linoone not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#033 Obstagoon - Evolve from Linoone (level 35 at night); Route 2 Lakeside (wandering), Bridge Field (wandering, all weather)
#034 Wooloo - Route 1 (overworld), Route 4 (tall grass)
#035 Dubwool - Evolve from Wooloo (level 24); Rolling Fields (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#036 Lotad - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 2 (tall grass), West Lake Axewell (overworld during overcast)
#037 Lombre - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Lotad (level 14); Route 5 (tall grass), Dappled Grove (overworld, all weather)
#038 Ludicolo - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Lombre (Water Stone); Dappled Grove (wandering during normal weather/overcast/rain/thunderstorm/fog)
#039 Seedot - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 2 (tall grass), West Lake Axewell (overworld during overcast)
#040 Nuzleaf - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Seedot (level 14); Route 5 (tall grass), Dappled Grove (overworld, all weather)
#041 Shiftry - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Nuzleaf (Leaf Stone); Dappled Grove (wandering during normal weather/overcast/rain/thunderstorm/fog)
#042 Chewtle - Route 2 (overworld & fishing); Giant's Cap (overworld, all weather)
#043 Drednaw - Evolve from Chewtle (level 22); Giant's Cap (wandering, all weather), Giant's Mirror (fishing)
#044 Purrloin - Route 2 (tall grass); Motostoke Riverbank (overworld, all weather)
#045 Liepard - Evolve from Purrloin (level 20); North Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather), Route 7 (tall grass, overworld)
#046: Yamper - Route 2 (overworld), Route 4 (overworld)
#047 Boltund - Evolve from Yamper (level 25); North Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#048 Bunnelby - Rolling Fields (tall grass in all weather, overworld in all weather except snowstorm/thunderstorm)
#049 Diggersby - Evolve from Bunnelby (level 20); Rolling Fields (wandering, all weather), Axew's Eye (tall grass, all weather)
#050 Minccino - Route 5 (overworld)
#051 Cinccino - Evolve from Minccino (Shiny Stone); Giant's Cap (wandering during normal weather/overcast/fog)
#052 Bounsweet - Stony Wilderness (overworld, west side, all weather but best when raining)
#053 Steenee - Evolve from Bounsweet (level 18); Axew's Eye (tall grass, normal weather)
#054 Tsareena - Evolve from Steenee (level up while knowing the move "Stomp" learned at level 29); Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather except raining/thunderstorm)
#055 Oddish - Dappled Grove (overworld, best during normal weather/overcast)
#056 Gloom - Evolve from Oddish (level 21); North Lake Miloch (overworld during normal weather/overcast/raining/thunderstorm)
#057 Vileplume - Evolve from Gloom (Leaf Stone); Dappled Grove (wandering during normal weather/overcast/fog)
#058 Bellossom - Evolve from Gloom (Sun Stone); Giant's Mirror (wandering during normal weather/intense sun/heavy fog)
#059 Budew - Route 4 (tall grass), East Lake Axewell (all grass, overcast); Breed a Roselia holding a Rose Incense with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg.
#060 Roselia - Evolve from Budew (level up after achieving high friendship); Rolling Fiends (wandering during all weather except thunderstorm/snowstorm)
#061 Roserade - Evolve from Roselia (Shiny Stone); Hammerlocke Hills (wandering during overcast/fog)
#062 Wingull - East Lake Axewell (surfing, all weather), Rolling Fields (overworld during rain, thunderstorm)
#063 - Pelipper - Evolve from Wingull (level 25); Route 9 (overworld and surfing), North Lake Miloch (wandering during raining/thunderstorm)
#064 Joltik - Route 4 (tall grass); East Lake Axewell (tall grass during thunderstorm)
#065 Galvantula - Evolve from Joltik (level 36); Route 7 (overworld), South Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather)
#066 Electrike - Route 4 (overworld), Rolling Fields (overworld during thunderstorm)
#067 Manetric - Evolve from Electrike (level 26); Rolling Fields (wandering during thunderstorm), Giant's Seat (tall grass during thunderstorm)
#068 Vulpix - SWORD VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE - Sword: Route 3 (overworld), Rolling Fields (overworld during intense sun); Shield: Hammerlocke Hills during Intense Sun; Both: Motostoke Gym Challenge
#069 Ninetails - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE; Evolve from Vulpix (Fire Stone); Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun)
#070 Growlithe - SHEILD VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE - Sword: Route 3 (overworld), Rolling Fields (overworld during intense sun); Shield: Hammerlocke Hills during Intense Sun
#071 Arcanine - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE; Evolve from Growlithe (Fire Stone); Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun)
#072 Vanillite - West Lake Axewell (overworld, snow/snowstorm), Lake of Outrage (surf, snow/snowstorm), basically anywhere in the Wild Area if snow/snowstorm
#073 Vanillish - Evolve from Vanillite (level 35); Route 10 (tall grass), North Lake Miloch (wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#074 Vanilluxe - Evolve from Vanillish (level 47); Route 10 Near Station (overworld), Bridge Field (snowing/snowstorm, wandering)
#075 Swinub - Rolling Fields (tall grass during snow/snowstorm)
#076 Piloswine - Evolve from Swinub (level 33); Rolling Fields (wandering, snow/snowstorm), Dusty Bowl (tall grass and wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#077 Mamoswine - Evolve from Piloswine (Level up after learning the move "Ancient Power" at level 33)
#078 Delibird - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (tall grass), Dappled Grove (overworld during snow/snowstorm)
#079 Snorunt - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (overworld), Hammerlocke Hills (overworld during snow/snowstorm)
#080 Glalie - Evolve from Snorunt (level 42); Route 10 Near Station (overworld), Watchtower Ruins (wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#081 Froslass - Evolve from Snorunt (Dawn Stone, Female Only)
#082 Baltoy - Rolling Fields (overworld during sandstorm, tall grass during intense sun/sandstorm), Dappled Grove (overworld during intense sun/sandstorm)
#083 Claydol - Evolve from Baltoy (level 36); Bridge Field (wandering, sandstorm), Dusty Bowl (wandering, overcast/intense sun/fog/sandstorm)
#084 Mudbray - Route 3 (tall grass); East Lake Axewell (overworld during intense sun/sandstorm)
#085 Mudsdale - Evolve from Mudbray (level 30); East Lake Axewell (wandering during intense sun/sandstorm)
#086 Dwebble - Stony Wilderness (overworld, all weather except thunderstorm)
#087 Crustle - Evolve from Dwebble (level 34); Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather except rain/thunderstorm), Route 8 (wandering)
#088 Golett - Route 8 (overworld), Stony Wilderness (overworld, all weather)
#089 Golurk - Evolve from Golett (level 43); Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather), Lake of Outrage (overworld, all weather)
#090 Munna - Deep Slumbering Weald (tall grass and overworld), Rolling Fields (tall grass, fog)
#091 Musharna - Evolve from Munna (Moon Stone); Bridge Field (wandering during fog), Giant's Seat (wandering during fog)
#092 Natu - North Lake Miloch (tall grass during fog), Giant's Mirror (overworld during rain/thunderstorm/snow/snowstorm)
#093 Xatu - Evolve from Natu (level 25); Giant's Seat (tall grass during fog), East Lake Axewell (overworld during all weather except rain/thunderstorm)
#094 Stufful - Route 5 (overworld); East Lake Axewell (tall grass and overworld, all weather)
#095 Bewear - Evolve from Stufful (level 27); Dappled Grove (wandering, all weather), Giant's Seat (tall grass, all weather)
#096 Snover - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (tall grass); South Lake Miloch (overworld during snow/snowstorm)
#097 Abomasnow - Evolve from Snover (level 40); Route 10 (tall grass and wandering), Axew's Eye (wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#098 Krabby - Giant's Cap (fishing)
#099 Kingler - Evolve from Krabby (level 28); Route 9 (tall grass); West Lake Axewell (wandering during normal weather)
#100 Wooper - West Lake Axewell (overworld, highest during Rain/Thunderstorm)
#101 Quagsire - Evolve from Wooper (level 20); West Lake Axewell (wandering during normal weather/overcast/rain/thunderstorm/heavy fog)
#102 Corphish - Galar Mine No. 2 (fishing), Giant's Cap (fishing)
#103 Crawdaunt - Evolve from Corphish (level 30); South Lake Miloch (wandering during normal weather/thunderstorm), Tuffield (wandering)
#104 Nincada - Route 5 (tall grass); West Lake Axewell (tall grass during sandstorm)
#105 Ninjask - Evolve from Nincada (level 20); Rolling Fields (wandering, all weather) **Have one empty slot in party and a Pokeball in bag when evolving Nincada**
#106 Shedinja - Evolve from Nincada (level 20 with open slot in the party and a spare Pokeball in the bag)
#107 Tyrogue - Rolling Fields (overworld, all weather, best during overcast)
#108 Hitmonlee - Evolve from Tyrogue (level 20 with attack stat higher than defense stat); SWORD ONLY: Dusty Bowl (overworld during overcast)
#109 Hitmonchan - Evolve from Tyrogue (level 20 with defense stat higher than attack stat); SHIELD ONLY: Dusty Bowl (overworld during overcast)
#110 Hitmontop - Evolve from Tyrogue (level 20 with equal attack and defense stats); Lake of Outrage (overworld during overcast, "very rare")
#111 Pancham - Route 3 (tall grass); Rolling Fields West (overworld, all weather)
#112 Pangoro - Evolve from Pancham (level 32 with another Dark Type Pokemon in party); Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast); Bridge Field (wandering during overcast/intense sun)
#113 Klink - Route 3 (tall grass); Hammerlocke Hills (tall grass, all weather)
#114 Klang - Evolve from Klink (level 38); Route 10 Near Station (tall grass), Hammerlocke Hills (wandering during normal weather/overcast/rain/snow)
#115 Klinklang - Evolve from Klang (level 49); Lake of Outrage (overworld during snowstorm), Hammerlocke Hills (wandering during thunderstorm/intense sun/snowstorm/sandstorm/fog)
#116 Combee - Rolling Fields (overworld during normal weather) **Catch a female if evolving**
#117 Vespiquen - Evolve from Combee (level 21, female only); Rolling Hills (wandering during normal weather)
#118 Bronzor - Giant's Seat (overworld during all weather except fog -- best if normal weather)
#119 Bronzong - Evolve from Bronzor (level 33); Route 8 (tall grass); Bridge Field (wandering during rain/thunderstorm)
#120 Ralts - Rolling Fields (overworld, best during fog, "very rare" during overcast)
#121 Kirlia - Evolve from Ralts (level 20); Rolling Fields (wandering during fog)
#122 Gardevoir - Evolve from Kirlia (level 30); Dusty Bowl (tall grass during fog); Lake of Outrage (wandering during normal weather/thunderstorm/fog)
#123 Gallade - Evolve from Kirlia (Dawn Stone, male only); Bridge Field (wandering during "various weather conditions" -- requires surf)
#124 Drifloon - Route 5 (overworld), South Lake Miloch (surfing and flying during all weather)
#125 Drifblim - Evolve from Drifloon (level 28); Axew's Eye (overworld during fog), Watchtower Ruins (wandering during normal weather/snow/intense sun)
#126 Gossifleur - Route 3 (overworld)
#127 Eldegloss - Evolve from Gossifleur (level 20); Route 5 (wandering), Motostoke Riverbank (wandering during all weather)
#128 Cherubi - North Lake Miloch or Watchtower Ruins (shaking trees, 50% chance at these locations)
#129 Cherrim - Evolve from Cherubi (level 25) **Note: Cherrim has an "sunshine form" that only appears during battles with harsh sunlight. Otherwise, the pokemon is in its "overcast form." The "sunshine form" cannot be stored in the PC.
#130 Stunky - Route 3 (overworld); North Lake Miloch (tall grass during all weather, overworld during normal weather/overcast/intense sun/sandstorm/fog)
#131 Skuntank - Evolve from Stunky (level 34); Dusty Bowl (tall grass and wandering during overcast)
#132 Tympole - Dappled Grove (overworld during rain/thunderstorm), West Lake Axewell (overworld during all weather except intense sun/sandstorm)
#133 Palpitoad - Evolve from Tympole (level 25); Bridge Field (tall grass, all weather); South Lake Miloch (wandering during raining/thunderstorm)
#134 Seismitoad - Evolve from Seismitoad (level 36); Route 7 (tall grass); Axew's Eye (overworld and wandering during thunderstorm)
#135 Duskull - Route 6 (tall grass); Watchtower Ruins (overworld during all weather except sandstorm/snowstorm)
#136 Dusclops - Evolve from Duskull (level 37); Route 8 (tall grass), Giant's Seat (wandering during fog)
#137 Dusknoir - Evolve from Dusknoir (link-trade with another player while holding a "Reaper Cloth"); Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather)
#138 Machop - Route 3 (tall grass); South Lake Miloch (overworld, all weather)
#139 Machoke - Evolve from Machop (level 28); South Lake Miloch (wandering, all weather)
#140 Machamp - Evolve from Machoke (link-trade with another player); Giant's Mirror (wandering during all weather except rain/snow)
#141 Gastly - Watchtower Ruins (overworld, all weather except normal weather/snow/intense sun)
#142 Haunter - Evolve from Gastly (level 25); Route 8 (tall grass), Watchtower Ruins (wandering during all weather except normal weather/snow/intense sun)
#143 Gengar - Evolve from Gengar (Trade with another player); Giant's Cap (wandering during all weather except rain/snow)
#144 Magikarp - Route 2 (fishing, best chance), most other fishing spots
#145 Gyarados - Evolve from Magikarp (level 20); Dusty Bowl (surf, all weather), West Lake Axewell (surf, all weather)
#146 Goldeen - Routes 4, 5, and 6 (fishing), East/West Lake Axewell (surfing, all weather except snow)
#147 Seaking - Evolve from Goldeen (level 33); Bridge Field (surfing during normal weather/overcast/sandstorm), East Lake Axewell (surfing during normal weather/overcast/sandstorm)
#148 Remoraid - Route 9 Circhester Bay (surfing), South Lake Miloch (fishing)
#149 Octillery - Evolve from Remoraid (level 25); Route 9 (tall grass, fishing), Route 9 Circhester Bay (overworld), Axew's Eye (fishing)
#150 Shellder - Giant's Seat (fishing) East Lake Axewell (fishing, overworld during all weather)
#151 Cloyster - Evolve from Shellder (Water Stone); Giant's Seat (fishing), East/West Lake Axewell (surf during normal weather/fog)
#152 Feebas - Route 2 Near Professor's House (fishing, "ultra rare") **Note: may be easier to breed Milotic with a Ditto and hatch the resulting egg
#153 Milotic - Evolve from Feebas (Link-trade with another player while holding a "Prism Scale"); Lake of Outrage or South Lake Miloch (surfing during fog)
#154 Basculin - Motostoke Riverbank (surfing or fishing, all weather) **Note: Basculin has a "Red-Stripe Form" exclusive to Sword Version and a "Blue-Stripe Form" exclusive to Shield Version
#155 Wishiwashi - Route 9 (fishing); Axew's Eye (fishing) **Note: Wishiwashi has a "School Form" when its health drops below 25% maximum in-battle. It returns to "Solo Form" when above 25% or when taken out of battle. This form cannot be stored in the PC.
#156 Pyukumuku - Route 9 (fishing, overworld); Giant's Seat (fishing)
#157 Trubbish - Route 3 (overworld)
#158 Garbodor - Evolve from Trubbish (level 36); Lake of Outrage (overworld during overcast), Bridge Field (wandering, all weather)
#159 Sizzlipede - Route 3 (tall grass, "Ultra Rare"), during Motostoke Gym Challenge (wandering, preferred)
#160 Centiskorch - Evolve from Sizzlipede (level 28)
#161 Rolycoly - Route 3 Garbage, Galar Mine (overworld or random)
#162 Carkol - Evolve from Rolycoly (level 18); Giant's Cap (overworld during intense sun/sandstorm), Galar Mine (wandering on tracks, difficult to encounter)
#163 Coalossal - Evolve from Carkol (level 34); Lake of Outrage (tall grass during intense sun), Giant's Cap (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#164 Diglett - Galar Mine (overworld or random); Rolling Fields (all weather, comes from underground)
#165 Dugtrio - Evolve from Diglett (level 26); Route 6 (overworld), Giant's Mirror (all weather, comes from underground)
#166 Drillbur - Galar Mine (overworld or random), Dusty Bowl (overworld during intense sun/sandstorm)
#167 Excadrill - Evolve from Drillbur (level 31); Giant's Mirror (most weather conditions, overworld), Giant's Mirror (all weather, comes from underground)
#168 Roggenrola - Galar Mine (overworld or random), Rolling Fields (all weather, comes from underground)
#169 Boldore - Evolve from Roggenrola (level 25); Route 8 (overworld); Giant's Mirror/Giant's Cap (all weather, comes from underground)
#170 Gigalith - Evolve from Boldore (link-trade with another player); Dusty Bowl (wandering during normal weather/intense sun/sandstorm)
#171 Timburr - Galar Mine (overworld or random)
#172 Gurdurr - Evolve from Timburr (level 25); Route 8 (overworld), Dusty Bowl (tall grass, snowing)
#173 Conkeldurr - Evolve from Gurdurr (link-trade with another player); Motostoke Riverbank (wandering during all weather except intense sun/sandstorm)
#174 Woobat - Galar Mine (overworld or random), Watchtower Ruins (flying, all weather)
#175 Swoobat - Evolve from Woobat (level up after achieving high friendship)
#176 Noibat - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld or random), Bridge Field (overworld and flying, all weather)
#177 Noivern - Evolve from Noibat (level 48); Lake of Outrage (overworld during thunderstorm), Bridge Field (wandering during all weather except snow)
#178 Onix - Rolling Fields (wandering, all weather)
#179 Steelix - Evolve from Onix (link-trade with another player while holding a "Metal Coat"); Giant's Seat (wandering, all weather)
#180 Arrokuda - Hulbury (fishing), Route 2 Lake (surfing), Motostoke Riverbank (fishing and surfing, all weather)
#181 Barraskewda - Evolve from Arrokuda (level 26); Route 2 Lake (surfing) Lake of Outrage (surfing during all weather, fishing - best chance)
#182 Meowth (Galarian) - Route 4 (tall grass, overworld)
Meowth (Kantonian) - Trade Galarian Meowth with small child in the entrance hall of the Turffield Gym
Meowth (Alolan) - Transfer an Alolan Meowth caught in a 7th Generation game to Pokemon Home, then transfer it to Sword or Shield.
#183 Perrserker - Evolve from Galarian Meowth (level 28); Route 7 (overworld), Route 9 Outer Spikemuth (tall grass)
#184 Persian - Evolve from Kantonian Meowth (level 28)
#185 Milcery - Route 4 (tall grass), Giant's Mirror (tall grass, fog)
#186 Alcremie - Evolve from Milcery (Give a "Sweet Item" like Strawberry Sweet, Love Sweet, Clover Sweet, etc. then run in tight circles). **Note: Many different "spin forms" based on item given, time of day, direction, and amount of time spinning.
#187 Cutiefly - Route 4 (tall grass); Motostoke Riverbank (overworld in overcast/snow/snowstorm/fog)
#188 Ribombee - Evolve from Cutiefly (level 25); Bridge Field (wandering during normal weather/overcast/fog/intense sun)
#189 Ferroseed - Route 4 (tall grass, "ultra rare"), Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during snowstorm), Stony Wilderness (overworld during snowstorm)
#190 Ferrothorn - Evolve from Ferroseed (level 40); Bridge Field (wandering, all weather)
#191 Pumpkaboo - Route 4 (overworld); Hammerlocke Hills (overworld, all weather) **Note: Has four different size forms, "small," "average"," "large," and "super," where the larger sizes are more rare. These forms cannot be changed.
#192 Gourgeist - Evolve from Pumpkaboo (link-trade with another player); Hammerlocke Hills (wandering, all weather) **Note: Has four different size forms, "small," "average," "large," and "super." The size will be the same as Pumpkaboo before evolution.
#193 Pichu - Breed Pikachu with a Ditto and hatch the resulting egg
#194 Pikachu - Evolve from Pichu (level up after maximum friendship); Route 4 (overworld), Rolling Fields (wandering during thunderstorm) **Note: May obtain Gigantamax Pikachu from the Wild Area Train Station if there is history of Let's Go Pikachu gameplay on the system. This Pikachu does not evolve.
#195 Raichu - Evolve from Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
Raichu (Alolan) - Evolve Pikachu using a Thunderstone in Alola, the region from the Generation 7 Pokemon Games, then transfer to Pokemon Home then Sword or Shield
#196 Eevee - Route 4 (overworld, "ultra rare") **Note: May obtain Gigantamax Eevee from the Wild Area Train Station if there is history of Let's Go Eevee gameplay on the system. This Eevee does not evolve.
#197 Vaporeon - Evolve from Eevee (Water Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during rain)
#198 Jolteon - Evolve from Eevee (Thunder Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during thunderstorm)
#199 Flareon - Evolve from Eevee (Fire Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during intense sun)
#200 Espeon - Evolve from Eevee (Level up after achieving high happiness during the day); Lake of Outrage (wandering during overcast)
#201 Umbreon - Evolve from Eevee (Level up after achieving high happiness at night); Lake of Outrage (wandering during sandstorm)
#202 Leafeon - Evolve from Eevee (Leaf Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during normal weather)
#203 Glaceon - Evolve from Eevee (Ice Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#204 Sylveon - Evolve from Eevee (Level up after achieving high happiness while knowing a Fairy Type move like "Baby-Doll Eyes," learned at level 15); Lake of Outrage (wandering during fog)
#205 Applin - Route 5 (tall grass), Giant's Mirror (tall grass during thunderstorm)
#206 Flapple - Evolve from Applin (Feed it a "Tart Apple" -- SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE ITEM)
#207 Appletun - Evolve from Applin (Feed it a "Sweet Apple" -- SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE ITEM)
#208 Espurr - Route 5 (tall grass); Hammerlocke Hills (tall grass during all weather except rain/snowstorm)
#209 Meowstic - Evolve from Espurr (level 25); Route 7 (tall grass); Dusty Bowl (tall grass during fog) **Note: Male Meowstic has predominately blue fur, Female Meowstic has predominately white fur
#210 Swirlix - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 5 (tall grass and overworld), Giant's Mirror (overworld during fog)
#211 Slurpuff - Evolve from Swirlix (link-trade with another player while holding a "Whipped Dream")
#212 Spritzee - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 5 (tall grass and overworld), Giant's Mirror (overworld during fog)
#213 Aromatisse - Evolve from Spritzee (link-trade with another player while holding a "Sachet")
#214 Dewpider - Route 5 (tall grass); Stony Wilderness (overworld during rain/thunderstorm)
#215 Araquanid - Evolve from Dewpider (level 22); Lake of Outrage (overworld during rain), Stony Wilderness (wandering during rain/thunderstorm)
#216 Wynaut - Breed Wobbufett holding a Lax Incense with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg
#217 Wobbuffet - Evolve from Wynaut (level 15); Route 5 (overworld), Hammerlocke Hills (overworld during all weather except fog)
#218 Farfetch'd (Galarian) - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE; Route 5 (overworld), Giant's Mirror (overworld during overcast)
Farfetch'd (Kantonian) - Transfer a Farfetch'd not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#219 Sirfetch'd - Evolve from Galarian Farfetch'd (Farfetch'd must land 3 critical hits in one battle without switching out/returning to battle)
#220 Chinchou - East/West Lake Axewell (surfing during thunderstorm), Hulbury (fishing)
#221 Lanturn - Evolve from Chinchou (level 27); Bridge Field (fishing), Dusty Bowl (fishing), Lake of Outrage (fishing)
#222 Croagunk - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random), Giant's Cap (overworld during normal weather/overcast)
#223 Toxicroak - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Croagunk (level 37); Stony Wilderness (overworld during overcast)
#224 Scraggy - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random); Giant's Cap (overworld during normal weather/overcast)
#225 Scrafty - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Scraggy (level 39)
#226 Stunfisk (Galarian) - Galar Mine No. 2 (random, wandering as a red ball on the ground)
Stunfisk (Unovan) - Transfer a Stunfisk not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#227 Shuckle - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random), Dusty Bowl (wandering, all weather)
#228 Barboach - Galar Mine No. 2 (fishing), South Lake Miloch (fishing, surfing during all weather)
#229 Whiscash - Evolve from Barboach (level 30); Deep Slumbering Weald (fishing)
#230 Shellos - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random), Giant's Mirror (surfing, all weather) **Note: Shellos has both a blue "East Sea" form available in Galar and a pink "West Sea" form that must be transferred from a previous generation game via Pokemon Home.
#231 Gastrodon - Evolve from Shellos (level 30); Route 9 (overworld), Dusty Bowl (surfing, all weather) **Note: Gastrodon has both a blue "East Sea" form available in Galar and a pink "West Sea" form that must be transferred from a previous generation game via Pokemon Home.
#232 Wimpod - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random), Giant's Mirror (overworld during rain)
#233 Gosilopod - Evolve from Wimpod (level 30); Lake of Outrage (overworld during rain), Bridge Field (wandering during normal weather/rain/thunderstorm)
#234 Binacle - Galar Mine No. 2 (overworld and random), Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during rain)
#235 Barbacle - Evolve from Binacle (level 39); Route 9 Circhester Bay (overworld) Dusty Bowl (wandering during overcast/rain/thunderstorm)
#236 Corsola (Galarian) - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Giant's Mirror (overworld during overcast)
Corsola (Johtonian) - Transfer a Corsola not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#237 Cursola - Evolve from Galarian Corsola (level 38)
#238 Impidimp - Glimwood Tangle (wandering when interacting with mushrooms), Stony Wilderness (tall grass during all weather except sandstorm)
#239 Morgrem - Evolve from Impidimp (level 32); Glimwood Tangle (tall grass, wandering when interacting with mushrooms)
#240 Grimmsnarl - Evolve from Morgrem (level 42); Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast)
#241 Hatenna - Motostoke Outskirts (overworld), Stony Wilderness (overworld during fog)
#242 Hattrem - Evolve from Hatenna (level 32); Glimwood Tangle (tall grass), Dusty Bowl (tall grass, all weather except thunderstorm/snow/intense sun)
#243 Hatterene - Evolve from Hattrem (level 42); Lake of Outrage (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#244 Salandit - Stony Wilderness (overworld during intense sun), Shield Only: Motostoke Outskirts (overworld) **Note: Recommended to only catch female
#245 Salazzle - Evolve from Salandit (level 33 female only)
#246 Pawniard - Route 8 (overworld), Giant's Mirror (overworld, snowstorm)
#247 Bisharp - Evolve from Pawniard (level 52); Giant's Seat (wandering, all weather)
#248 Throh - SHIELD VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE - Shield: Route 8 Steamdrift Way (overworld), Motostoke Outskirts (overworld); Sword: Trade Vanillish to the man at the ice cream stall in South Circhester.
#249 Sawk - SWORD VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE- Sword: Route 8 Steamdrift Way (overworld), Motostoke Outskirts (overworld); Shield: Trade Vanillish to the man at the ice cream stall in South Circhester.
#250 Koffing - Motostoke Outskirts (overworld), Giant's Mirror (tall grass, all weather), Motostoke Riverbank (overworld during overcast)
#251 Weezing (Galarian) - Evolve from Koffing (level 35); East Lake Axewell (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion), Deep Slumbering Weald (tall grass and overworld)
Weezing (Kantonian) - Transfer a Weezing caught or evolved in a prior generation game to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#252 Bonsly - Bridge Field (overworld during sandstorm), Stony Wilderness (overworld during sandstorm); Breed Sudowoodo holding a Rock Incense with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg
#253 Sudowoodo - Evolve from Bonsly (Level up after learning "Mimic", learned at level 16); Motostoke Outskirts (overworld), Dusty Bowl (wandering during all weather except rain/thunderstorm/snow)
#254 Cleffa - Breed Clefairy or Clefable with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg
#255 Clefairy - Evolve from Cleffa (Level up after achieving high friendship); Motostoke Riverbank (overworld, fog), Giant's Cap (heavy fog, overworld)
#256 Clefable - Evolve from Clefairy (Moon Stone); Motostoke Riverbank (wandering during fog)
#257 Togepi - Bridge Field (tall grass during normal weather/overcast/fog, "very rare"); trade a Toxel to a trainer by the battlefield outside of Hammerlocke's vault.
#258 Togetic - Evolve form Togepi (Level up after achieving high friendship); Stony Wilderness (tall grass during fog)
#259 Togekiss - Evolve from Togetic (Shiny Stone); Dusty Bowl (flying during heavy fog, "very rare")
#260 Munchlax - Breed Snorlax holding a "Full Incense" with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg; Motostoke Riverbank (overworld during normal weather)
#261 Snorlax - Evolve from Munchlax (Level up after achieving high friendship); Motostoke Riverbank (wandering during all weather except fog)
#262 Cottonee - Stony Wilderness (tall grass, overworld); trade a Minccino to a trainer sitting at a picnic table in Hulbury's market.
#263 Whimsicott - Evolve from Cottonee (Sun Stone)
#264 Rhyhorn - Route 8 (tall grass), Giant's Cap (comes from underground, all weather)
#265 Rhydon - Evolve from Rhyhorn (level 42); Route 10 Near Station (tall grass), Stony Wilderness (wandering, all weather)
#266 Rhyperior - Evolve from Rhydon (link-trade with another player while holding a "Protector")
#267 Gothita - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Giant's Cap (overworld during fog)
#268 Gothorita - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Gothita (level 32); Giant's Cap (overworld during fog)
#269 Gothitelle - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE; Evolve from Gothorita (level 31); Lake of Outrage (overworld during heavy fog)
#270 Solosis - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Giant's Cap (overworld during fog)
#271 Duosion - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Solosis (level 32); Dusty Bowl (overworld during fog)
#272 Reuniclus - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Duosion (level 41); Lake of Outrage (overworld during heavy fog)
#273 Karrablast - Route 7 (tall grass), Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during rain)
#274 Escavalier - Evolve from Karrablast (link-trade Karrablast for another player's Shelmet)
#275 Shelmet - Route 7 (tall grass), Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during rain)
#276 Accelgor - Evolve from Shelmet (link-trade Shelmet for another player's Karrablast)
#277: Elgyem - Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during fog); Bridge Field (overworld during nromal weather/overcast/fog)
#278 Beheeyem - Evolve from Elgyem (level 42); Lake of Outrage (overworld during normal weather), Bridge Field (wandering during all weather except rain/thunderstorm/sandstorm)
#279 Cubchoo - Route 10 (overworld), Stony Wilderness (tall grass and overworld during snwo/snowstorm)
#280 Beartic - Evolve from Cubchoo (level 37); Route 10 (tall grass and wandering); Bridge Field (wandering during snow)
#281 Rufflet - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 8 (overworld), Stony Wilderness (overworld, all weather)
#282 Braviary - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Rufflet (level 54); Dusty Bowl (flying, all weather), Lake of Outrage (overworld during normal weather)
#283 Vullaby - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 8 (overworld), Stony Wilderness (overworld, all weather)
#284 Mandibuzz - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Vullaby (level 54); Dusty Bowl (flying, all weather), Lake of Outrage (overworld during normal weather)
#285 Skorupi - Route 6 (tall grass), Motostoke Riverbank (overworld during normal weather/rain/thunderstorm/intense sun/sandstorm)
#286 Drapion - Evolve from Skorupi (level 40); Route 8 (tall grass), Motostoke Riverbank (wandering during normal weather/rain/thunderstorm/intense sun)
#287 Litwick - Bridge Field (tall grass during intense sun/fog), Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass during intense sun), during Motostoke Gym Challenge
#288 Lampent - Evolve from Litwick (level 41); Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun)
#289 Chandelure - Evolve from Lampent (Dusk Stone); Lake of Outrage (wandering during intense sun)
#290 Inkay - Route 7 (overworld), Bridge Field (surfing, all weather)
#291 Malamar - Evolve from Inkay (level 30 while holding the Nintendo Switch upside-down)
#292 Sneasel - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (tall grass, overworld), Stony Wilderness (overworld during snow/snowstorm)
#293 Weavile - Evolve from Sneasel (Level up while holding a "Razor Claw" at night); Bridge Field (wandering during snowstorm)
#294 Sableye - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Dusty Bowl (overworld during fog)
#295 Mawile - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Dusty Bowl (overworld during snowstorm), Giant's Mirror (overworld during snowstorm)
#296 Maractus - Route 6 (overworld); Stony Winderness (overworld during intense sun)
#297 Sigilyph - Motostoke Riverbank (tall grass and wandering, all weather), Stony Wilderness (wandering during all weather except overcast)
#298 Riolu - Giant's Cap (overworld during snowstorm, "rare")
#299 Lucario - Evolve from Riolu (Level up during the day after achieving high friendship); North Lake Miloch (wandering during normal weather)
#300 Torkoal - Route 6 (tall grass); Motostoke Riverbank (Intense Sun, overworld), Giant's Cap (Intense Sun, overworld)
#301 Mimikyu - Bridge Field (wandering during fog), Giant's Mirror (tall grass during fog, "very rare")
#302 Cufant - Bridge Field (overworld during normal weather/overcast/intense sun/snowstorm)
#303 Copperajah - Evolve from Cufant (level 34); Hammerlocke Hills (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#304 Quilfish - Route 9 (surfing), Bridge Field (fishing and surfing, all weather)
#305 Frillish - North Lake Miloch (surfing, all weather), West Lake Axewell (all weather except thunderstorm) **Note: Frillish has a blue male form and pink female form.
#306 Jellicent - Evolve from Frillish (level 40); Route 9 (overworld and surfing), Bridge Field (surfing during rain/fog) **Note: Jellicent has a blue male form and a pink female form.
#307 Mareanie - Route 9 (overworld), Giant's Mirror (fishing)
#308 Toxapex - Evolve from Mareanie (level 38); Route 9 Circhester Bay (overworld)
#309 Cramorant - Route 9 (tall grass), Axew's Eye (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion) **Note: When Cramorant uses Surf or Dive, it can either become Gulping Form if over 50% health or Gorging Form if under 50% health. Neither form can be stored in the PC.
#310 Toxel - Free inside Pokemon Nursery on Route 5; Route 7 (tall grass), Stony Wilderness (tall grass and overworld during thunderstorm)
#311 Toxtricity - Evolve from Toxel (level 30) **Note: There are two forms, yellow "Amped" form and blue "Low Key" form based on Toxel's nature**
#312 Silicobra - Route 6 (tall grass)
#313 Sandaconda - Evolve from Silicobra (level 36); Route 8 (tall grass), Dusty Bowl (wandering, all weather, defeated Champion)
#314 Hippopotas - Route 6 (tall grass), Dusty Bowl (overworld during intense sun/sandstorm)
#315 Hippowdon - Evolve from Hippopotas (level 34); Route 8 (tall grass), Giant's Mirror (tall grass, sandstorm)
#316 Durant - Route 6 (tall grass), Giant's Mirror (overworld during intense sun), Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun)
#317 Heatmor - Route 6 (tall grass), Giant's Mirror (overworld during intense sun), Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun)
#318 Helioptile - Route 6 (overworld), Giant's Mirror (overworld during thunderstorm)
#319 Heliolisk - Evolve from Helioptile (Sun Stone)
#320 Hawlucha - Route 6 (tall grass, "very rare"), Hammerlocke Hills (wandering, all weather)
#321 Trapinch - Route 6 (overworld, "rare" in Shield, "ultra rare" in Sword)
#322 Vibrava - Evolve from Trapinch (level 35)
#323 Flygon - Evolve from Vibrava (level 45); Lake of Outrage (overworld during intense sun, "ultra rare"), Dusty Bowl (wandering during normal weather/sandstorm)
#324 Axew - Axew's Eye (overworld during normal weather/overcast/rain/fog), Route 6 (overworld, "rare" in Sword, "ultra rare" in Shield)
#325 Fraxure - Evolve from Axew (Level 38)
#326 Haxorus - Evolve from Fraxure (Level 48); Lake of Outrage (overworld during thunderstorm, "rare"), Axew's Eye (wandering during all weather except snow/snowstorm/thunderstorm)
#327 Yamask (Galarian) - Route 6 (overworld)
Yamask (Unovian) - Trade Galarian Yamask with child in Ballonlea gym lobby
#328 Runerigus - Evolve from Galarian Yamask (Yamask must take 49+ damage without fainting then walk under the big stone arch in Dusty Bowl with Yamask in the party)
#329 Confagrigus - Evolve from Unovian Yamask (level 34)
#330 Honedge - Hammerlocke Hills (overworld during fog, tall grass during snowstorm)
#331 Doublade - Evolve from Honedge (level 35); Giant's Cap (wandering, all weather except fog)
#332 Aegislash - Evolve from Doublade (Dusk Stone); Giant's Cap (wandering during fog) **Note: has a "Blade Forme," which occurs after using a damage-dealing move in battle, and a "Shield Forme," which is the normal form stored in the PC and happens after using "King's Shield" in battle.
#333 Ponyta (Galarian) - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass)
Ponyta (Kantonian) - Transfer a Ponyta not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#334 Rapidash (Galarian) - Evolve from Galarian Ponyta (level 40)
Rapidash (Kantonian) - Evolve from Kantonian Ponyta (level 40)
#335 Sinistea - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass) **Note: has a normal "Phony" form and an ultra rare "Antique" form with a sticker on the bottom of the pot
#336 Polteageist - Evolve from Sinistea (Use a "Cracked Pot" on Phony Sinistea or a "Chipped Pot" on Antique Sinistea)
#337: Indeedee - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during fog) **Note: Male is Exclusive to Sword, Female is Exclusive to Shield - these forms have different horn shapes
#338 Phantump - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass)
#339 Trevenant - Evolve from Phantump (link-trade with another player)
#340 Morelull - Giant's Mirror (overworld during fog), Hammerlocke Hills (overworld during fog)
#341 Shiinotic - Evolve from Morelull (level 24); Glimwood Tangle (tall grass), Lake of Outrage (wandering during overcast/raining/thunderstorm)
#342 Oranguru - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass)
#343 Passimian - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Glimwood Tangle (tall grass)
#344 Morpeko - Route 7 (overworld), Route 9 Outer Spikemuth (tall grass) **Note: Morpeko has two forms, "Full Belly Mode" and "Hangry Mode" that it switches between every turn in battle. Only "Full Belly Mode" is stored in the PC.
#345 Falinks - Route 8 (tall grass, appear out of caves from the walls), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast)
#346 Drampa - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during thunderstorm, "very rare")
#347 Turtonator - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during intense sun, "very rare")
#348 Togedemaru - Route 8 (overworld), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during snowstorm)
#349 Snom - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (tall grass, overworld), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during snow)
#350 Frosmoth - Evolve from Snom (level up after achieving high happiness at night)
#351 Clobbopus - Route 9 Outer Spikemuth (overworld, all weather)
#352 Grapploct - Evolve from Clobbopus (Level up knowing the move "Taunt," learned at level 35); Lake of Outrage (all weather, wandering)
#353 Pinchurchin - Route 9 (tall grass), Route 9 Circhester Bay (tall grass)
#354 Mantyke - Breed Mantine holding a Wave Incense with Ditto then hatch the resulting egg; Route 9 Circhester Bay (surfing and fishing), Lake of Outrage (surfing, all weather)
#355 Mantine - Evolve from Mantyke (Level up with Remoraid in party); Route 9 Circhester Bay (surfing and fishing), Lake of Outrage (surfing, all weather)
#356 Wailmer - Route 9 Circhester Bay (fishing and surfing), Motostoke Riverbank (surfing, all weather)
#357 Wailord - Evolve from Wailord (level 40); Route 9 Circhester Bay (fishing)
#358 Bergmite - Route 9 Circhester Bay (overworld), Route 9 Outer Spikemuth (overworld, all weather), Lake of Outrage (overworld during snow)
#359 Avalugg - Evolve from Bergmite (level 37); Lake of Outrage (wandering during snow/snowstorm)
#360 Dhelmise - Route 9 Circhester Bay (overworld, "ultra rare"), Route 9 Outer Spikemuth (overworld, all weather, "ultra rare")
#361 Lapras - Lake of Outrage (surfing during all weather except overcast/intense sun/sandstorm), Route 2 Lake (wandering)
#362 Lunatone - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 8 (overworld), Giant's Cap (all weather, overworld)
#363 Solrock - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 8 (overworld), Giant's Cap (overworld, all weather)
#364 Mime Jr. - Breed Mr. Mime or Mr. Rime holding an "Odd Incense" with Ditto and hatch the resulting egg; Rolling Fiends (wandering during snowstorm)
#365 Mr. Mime (Galarian) - Evolve Mime Jr. (Level knowing the move "Mimic," learned at level 15); Route 10 (overworld, all weather)
Mr. Mime (Kantonian) - Trade Obstagoon with a hooligan in the sound booth in Spikemuth **Note: does not evolve to Mr. Rime, cannot evolve a Mime Jr. to Kantonian Mr. Mime in Sword/Shield.
#366 Mr. Rime - Evolve from Galarian Mr. Mime (level 42)
#367 Darumaka (Galarian) - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Route 8 Steamdrift Way (tall grass), Route 10 (tall grass)
Darumaka (Unovan) - Transfer a Darumaka not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#368 Darmanitan (Galarian) - Evolve from Galarian Darumaka (Ice Stone) **Note: When Darmanitan drops below 50% HP, it enters "Zen Mode." The "Standard Form" is the only form that may be stored in the PC.
Darmanitan (Unovan) - Transfer a Darumaka not caught/bred in Galar to Pokemon Home then transfer to Sword or Shield
#369 Stonjourner - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during intense sun/sandstorm), Route 10 (tall grass)
#370 Eiscue - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during snow/snowstorm), Route 10 (tall grass) **Note: Has "Ice Form," its standard form which is stored in the PC or when hailing in battle, and "Noice Form" when hit with a physical move.
#371 Duraludon - Route 10 (overworld, "ultra rare"), Giant's Seat (wandering, all weather), Lake of Outrage (tall grass during snowstorm, "ultra rare")
#372 Rotom - Lake of Outrage (overworld during rain/thunderstorm, "very rare") **Note: has five different forms: "Fan," "Frost," "Heat," "Mow," and "Wash." These are obtained by interacting with the appliances in the Rotom Catalogue item found in Wyndon
#373 Ditto - Lake of Outrage (overworld, all weather)
#374 Dracozolt - Give a Fossilized Bird fossil and a Fossilized Drake fossil to Researcher on Route 6
#375 Arctozolt - Give a Fossilized Bird fossil and a Fossilized Dino fossil to Researcher on Route 6
#376 Dracovish - Give a Fossilized Fish fossil and a Fossilized Drake fossil to Researcher on Route 6
#377 Arctovish - Give a Fossilized Fish fossil and a Fossilized Dino fossil to Researcher on Route 6
#378 Charmander - Upstairs in Hop's House in Postwick in a Pokeball on the ground in Leon's Bedroom after defeating the Champion
#379 Charmeleon - Evolve from Charmander (level 16)
#380 Charizard - Evolve from Charmeleon (level 36)
#381 Type: Null - In the lobby of the Battle Tower in Wyndon, given by the female Macro Cosmos employee to the left after defeating the Champion
#382 Silvally - Evolve from Type: Null (level up after achieving high friendship) **Note: Silvally has 18 different forms based on the Memory Disc it is holding -- these items are received when given Type: Null in Wyndon.
#383 Larvitar - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast/intense sun)
#384 Pupitar - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Larvitar (level 30); Lake of Outrage (overworld during sandstorm, "very rare")
#385 Tyranitar - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Pupitar (level 55); Dusty Bowl (wandering during all weather except rain/thunderstorm/overcast)
#386 Deino - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during rain)
#387 Zweilous - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Deino (level 50); Lake of Outrage (overworld during sandstorm, tall grass during thunderstorm)
#388 Hydreigon - Evolve from Deino (level 64)
#389 Goomy - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during rain, "very rare")
#390 Sliggoo - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Goomy (level 40); Lake of Outrage (tall grass during thunderstorm, "very rare")
#391 Goodra - Evolve from Sliggoo (level 50 during raining weather battle condition)
#392 Jangmo-o - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast/intense sun)
#393 Hakamo-o - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Jangmo-o (level 35); Lake of Outrage (tall grass during thunderstorm, "very rare")
#394 Kommo-o - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Evolve from Hakamo-o (level 45); Dusty Bowl (wandering during all weather except rain/thunderstorm/overcast)
#395 Dreepy - Lake of Outrage (tall grass during overcast/thunderstorm/fog, "ultra rare")
#396 Drakloak - Evolve from Dreepy (level 50); Lake of Outrage (overworld during overcast/rain/thunderstorm/fog, "ultra rare")
#397 Dragapult - Evolve from Drakloak (level 60)
#398 Zacian - SWORD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Complete the post-story episode after defeating the Champion **Note: Has "Crowned Sword" form if holding the Rusted Sword when entering battle. When withdrawn, returns to Standard Form
#399 Zamazenta - SHIELD VERSION EXCLUSIVE - Complete the post-story episode after defeating the Champion **Note: Has "Crowned Shield" form if holding the Rusted Shield when entering battle. When withdrawn, returns to Standard Form
#400 Eternatus - Mandatory to catch this Pokemon during the main story **Note: will still be caught even if the boxes are completely full. Has "Eternamax" form not usable in battle but is seen during the story battle and when using the move "Eternabeam"
#000 Slowpoke (Galarian) - Received in the Wedgehurst Train Station (must have updated game to Version 1.1) **Note: this Slowpoke cannot evolve likely until the DLC are released and Kantonian Slowpoke cannot be transferred in at this time.