Bar Additional Weekly Side Work
Sunday : MAKE Simple Syrup, INFUSION JARS if NEEDED
Monday Day: WIPE DOWN Condiment Station & Refill ALL. WIPE DOWN TOP of Beer Tap Towers
Monday Night: SEND Juice Containers & Fruit Trays to WASH
Tuesday Day: WIPE DOWN Fridge Doors Front / Back and Tracks
Tuesday Night: WIPE DOWN Red Wine Storage
Wednesday Day: Clean & Organize EAST Side Bottles, LABELS FORWARD
Wednesday Night: SEND EAST Service Station Mats to Wash
Thursday Day: CLEAN & ORGANIZE Serv Station Juices & Bottles
Thursday Night: SOAK with BLEACH any Garbage Cans with Excessive Debris
Friday DAY: DUMP Soaking Garbage Can & add new liner. VERIFY Cocktail Ingredient Stock & Refill
Friday Night: MERRY All Bottles West to North East
Saturday Day: VERIFY Cocktail Ingredient Stock & Refill
Saturday Night: MERRY All Bottles West to North EAST