Funnel Checklist
There are no technical issues with my funnel (hoplinks, CTAs, UTM parameters...)
There is a pre-defined purpose for my test
Each one of Keegan\'s elements to a million dollar ad is in my script
My advertisement is focused on 1 angle/mechanism
My advertisement has a killer hook and opening scene (gut feeling)
My advertisement is dripping with curiosity in it\'s first 30 seconds (if I had this problem, I would be dying to know more)
My advertisement is totally congruent and continuous with the information presented in the VSL
My lander\'s headline, image, ad copy and angle is totally congruent with my advertisement along with information in the VSL
I put my best effort forward in creating a high quality funnel that will connect with people and provide a valuable solution to their problem, ensuring I am 100% deserving of the wealth and profits this funnel will provide to me