457 Onboarding - 06/01/22
Select Oversight Committee Members
Click this link if you already have a committee and just confirming no changes https://fyqtbpfs.paperform.co/
Click here if a committee member has left and need to be removed or new one needs to be appointed.https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/059a870bc8754996b3bd750bd1468780
Click this link if you need guidance in designing 457 Oversight Committee.https://1kangijt.paperform.co/
Click this link if you are setting up a small committee of 3 or less.https://dtn18zf1.paperform.co/
Appointing Oversight Members - Orientation welcome Package will be sent out to new members per your confirmation in link below. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/059a870bc8754996b3bd750bd1468780
Formalize Charter : DocuSign Form sets up charter and committee design.https://www.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=c355383c-8ba0-44e8-998a-8cd1bc73f7ac&env=na1&acct=3b9944b8-5fcd-4da8-996d-130ab407855c&v=2
Draft IPS: DocuSign begins process to draft IPS. https://www.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=1e199dce-fecb-4bb5-97b8-564d373bf58d&env=na1&acct=3b9944b8-5fcd-4da8-996d-130ab407855c&v=2
Register Client Portal - GovernSpot: If committee members confirmed their participation in 457 oversight we will send out an invite to all who do not have access to GovernSpot.net yet. This is central hub where we will conduct meetings and take live voting along with access to plan documents, action items, reports, minutes and so on.
Recordkeeper Agreement Signed and Completed
Consultant Scope of Services Agreements- Sent for Approval
Legal reviewed and approved
Both Consultant and Client Signed
Uploaded Agreement into GovernSpot for Client File
ADV Part II and Proof of Insurance Delivered