Cordoba 401k Platform/Services
Logon information User name: VRPAPLAN Password: Vanguard1 Image: Coffee
Login ID number: 7779998VG Password: Vanguard1
Security phrase: Vanguard
Security question response: Vanguard
Image: Coffee
Test Vanguard participant platform
- Login ID number: 7779998VG Password: Vanguard1 Date of birth: 06/17/1966 First 3 digits of SSN: 777 Last 4 digits of SSN: 9998 Zip code: 19025 Phrase: Vanguard Image: Keyboard
Who will be the assigned client rep at Vanguard to work with Cordoba
How will loans be processed moving forward?
How will current loans transition and payments?
How will edi File upload or correspond with Cordoba\'s new HRIS platform?
Security question response: Vanguard Security phrase: Vanguard
Will there be a dedicated rep to conduct testing for Cordoba?
When annual audit begins, will auditor have access to plan and how much support will come from Vanguard versus HR at Cordoba
How are withdrawals handled?