
  • Sweep retail floor (making sure to get rubbish off edges)

  • Scrub aisle floors (30 minutes)

  • Scrub remaining floor (30 minutes)

  • Sweep checkouts (making sure to get rubbish from all corners)

  • Mop checkouts (making sure the mop is semi-DRY)

  • Mop bakery, deli x2, seafood and warehouse entrances EVERY NIGHT (slurry may be required)

  • Clean and mop warehouse toilet (making sure to wipe outside of toilet bowl, on top on hand soap dispenser and door)

  • Wipe shark teeth bars twice a week

  • Mop inside alcohol fridges and aisles

  • Even number aisles to be mopped every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

  • Odd number aisles to be mopped every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

  • Produce edges (including around bins) to be mopped every second day

  • Level 1 stairs to be swept and mopped

  • Level 1 toilets cleaned (making sure to wipe outside of toilet bowl, on top on hand soap dispenser, toilet roll holders and door)

  • Sanitary pods to be changed on Level 1 & customer toilet every Wednesday

  • Nappy bag to be replaced every wednesday

  • Level 1 kitchen bin to be emptied every night

  • Level 1 main floor mopped (blue mop ONLY)

  • Level 1 toilets mopped (red mop ONLY)

  • All stickers including their glue to be removed daily

  • Entrance mats vacuumed every night

  • Entrances mopped (including area between trolleys)

  • All edges in front of (checkouts) to be mopped where scrubbing machine cannot reach

  • Window sills in entrances to be wiped every second day

  • Cobwebs to be removed in entrances, level 1 and customer toilet

  • Airvents to be cleaned as needed

  • Check fridges in seafood, produce and aisle 15 to see if leaks need mopping

  • Clean all mops and buckets once finished and stack in cleaners cage

  • Check machine before use (battery water levels, pads)


This checklist was created by anjelica henare

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