Make your own Eggnog!
You\'ll need:
4 egg YOLKS*
4 egg WHITES*
1/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 pint whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
3 ounces bourbon
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
In a mixing bowl, beat 4 egg yolks* until the mixture is a lighter yellow
Add the 1/3 cup of sugar bit by bit while beating the egg yolks until the sugar has totally dissolved
Separately, in a medium saucepan, and over high heat, pour in the milk, heavy cream, and nutmeg
Stir occasionally until the mixture is at a boil
Once boiling, remove from heat and bit by bit, add the hot mixture into the egg yolk & sugar mixture
Now, add this combined mixture into the saucepan again and cook until the ingredients reach 160 degrees F (will need a thermometer for this)
At that point, you can remove the mixture from the heat, and stir in the bourbon
Pour the bourbon-infused mixture into a mixing bowl, and place it in the refrigerator to chill
After the mixture is chilled, beat the egg whites* until they are soft and fluffy, slowly adding bits of the 1 tablespoon of sugar
Once the egg whites are more stiff, they are ready to be added into the chilled mixture
You are ready to serve your eggnog!