10 Time Management Tips for The Chronically Late
Do you always find ONE more thing to do before you get to your next scheduled appointment, business meeting or personal task? Take these tips for a more efficient daily routine.

Use your digital calendar to the max: add all details (particularly location), set two reminders, utilize the categories/color codes for each calendar event
Set all calendar events 15-20 minutes earlier than the actual time
Keep your gas tank from falling below half. When you're running late, you won't have to waste time making that stop to the gas station!
Never let your public transportation card balance fall below a trip OR set up auto-reload so you don't miss a train refilling your card balance
Rent a gym locker or keep a gym bag in the car with fresh gear
Pack lunch the night before, not in the morning
Rest. Work on maintaining a sleep routine so getting up in the morning isn't so hard!
Set multiple alarms with different sound settings for the morning!!!!
Limit distractions. Remove Facebook or your most time-sucking apps from your phone.
Use Checkli. Seriously! Organize your life and become more efficient by making lists.