15 Ways to a Blissful Bedtime
Do you wake up feeling refreshed? Perhaps you aren't getting the best rest you possibly can! Make bedtime the big deal that time was during your childhood. Try these tips to achieve optimal rest for optimal performance.

Aim for consistent shut down and wake times to promote a regular sleep cycle.
Get the National Sleep Foundation's recommended hours of sleep: adults 18-64, seven to nine hours.
Shut down screens one hour before laying down (I know, it's HARD!): credible studies show blue-light levels emitted from electronic devices have a significant effect on sleep quality and patterns.
Wear a comfortable sleep mask if too much light creeps in your room.
Use a white noise machine with nature soundscapes if you have trouble tuning out distractions (i.e., vehicles, sirens, snoring!, appliances)
Stop eating at least two hours before bedtime.
Easy on the alcohol: drinking alcoholic beverages before bed affects the body's ability to get restorative sleep, can aggravate breathing problems and causes extra trips to the bathroom!
Easy on the caffeine: know your body's caffeine cutoff time and stick to it. That extra energy drink or black tea at 3pm just might keep you up until 3am!
Aromatherapy: use linen sprays or oil warmers with calming essential oils such as lavender, chamomile or rose
Avoid negative images before bed--the news, horror films, crime shows. That can cause anxiety or nightmares, hence poor quality sleep.
Invest in your bed: good mattresses, pillows and bed linens create a level of comfort and support that are worth the expense.
Keep a clutter free bedroom. Less clutter, less chaos in the mind and body. Everything is energy!
What images make you feel at ease? Use your walls to hang art, family pictures, positive quote decals or vision boards that make you feel relaxed and thankful.
EXERCISE. Do sweaty activities. Release endorphins with a great workout, yoga class or SEX. You will feel great and sleep better.
Having extreme bouts of insomnia? Monitor sleep with the help of an app like Pillow for iPhone and schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.
For more on WHY you need to sleep: https://wp.me/p99lk1-6V