#GoLive Video Checklist
How will this video fit into my overall marketing strategy?
What is the purpose of this specific video?
Who is the specific audience for this message?
What is my call to action for this message/video?
What is the best platform for this live video?
Should I promote this live video in advance?
Do I need a script or bullet points for this video?
Is this video an episode in an ongoing show?
What\'s the best tool for this video? Do I need to use my desktop, my smartphone, or a third party app?
Do I have a strong internet connection?
If I\'m using my phone, is the battery fully charged?
If my background appropriate for the video?
Am I happy with the way I look?
What is the title of this live video episode?
Do I need a tripod for this video?
Am I ready to go live?
Acknowledge your viewers
Answer questions.
Ask viewers to subscribe
Mention your call to action
Save video when the event is complete
Check for comments that did not get answered
Where should this video be shared? Page, profile, group, YouTube, blog, twitter, etc.
Does the replay video need to be edited?
Will this video be used in a blog post or for an article? If so, get the audio transcribed.
Can the audio from this video be used for a podcast?
Copy and save the embed code for the video to use on a blog post