Manager Onboarding Checklist

Manager Onboarding Checklist Manager Onboarding Checklist

  • Employee folder created (paper and/or digital)

  • Employee has complete W-9 and other employment documents

  • Employee has provided direct deposit/bank information

  • Employee has provided all relevant contact information

  • Employee has received welcome packet and training documents/manual

  • Employee has received a copy of the employee and management handbook

  • Company culture documents (include dress code, professional ethics, and the code of conduct)

  • Compensation and benefits documents

  • Employee has been set up in your systems (payroll, scheduling, POS, etc)


  • Management job description and responsibilities have been reviewed

  • Short and long term goals have been reviewed

  • Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly goals/expectations have been reviewed

  • Reviewed policies for employees (vacation, leave, confidentiality, remote work, request time off, sick days)

  • Give an overview of the company\'s/brand mission and goals

  • Reviewed employee performance review process

  • How company/brands recognizes and rewards employees

  • Manager software onboarding training

  • Department structure has been reviewed

  • Department meeting flow and frequency

  • Company’s recruiting/hiring process

  • Team budget and what it\'s used for


  • Team

  • Direct supervisor

  • Other managers


  • Motivation trainings

  • Conflict management trainings

  • Time management trainings

  • Team management trainings

  • Feedback (things to review/work on)

  • Check-ins (one month, three months, six months)

  • Praise (positive feedback/boost confidence)

  • Questions and concerns (let new manager give feedback or ask questions)

  • Set performance goals

  • Manager performance review (3, 6,9 , and 12 months)

This checklist was created by officialcheckli

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