Onboarding Process: Customer Service Agent

Customer Service Agent Onboarding Customer Service Agent Onboarding

  • Set up agent software tools and communication

  • Contract agreement

  • W-9 or W-2

  • Welcome packet and orientation packet

  • Company culture documents (include professional ethics and the code of conduct)

  • Compensation and benefits documents

  • Job description and responsibilities

  • New hire training manual

  • New hire introduction to other employees


  • CUSTOMER SERVICE SOFTWARE (Set up training on customer service software tools and communication)

  • TEAM TRAINING (Partner with another agent to assist with training)

  • PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE (Set up training and overview of company product, service, etc)

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE SOFTWARE (Walk agent through customer service software)

  • TRAINING MATERIALS (Walk agent through training manual (or videos))

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE APPROACH (Set up practice customer service examples including problem solving skills, creativity, resourcefulness, empathy, etc)

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE SCRIPTS (Walk agent through customer service scripts)

  • CUSTOMER SITUATIONS (Walk agent through call stages and how to approach customer situations)

  • BEST PRACTICES Walk agent through the dos and don\'t with customers

  • CRISIS MANAGEMENT/CONFLICT RESOLUTION (Walk agent through crisis management training and conflict resolution exercises (what to do and not to do))

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE PHONE TRAINING (tone, speak clearly and slowly, etc)


  • AGENT TEST RUN (partner will assist with calls/emails)

  • FEEDBACK (things to review/work on)

  • ADDITIONAL TRAINING (additional assignments, test runs, etc)

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE GAMES (practice scenarios)

  • PRAISE (positive feedback/boost confidence)

  • QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS (let new agent give feedback or ask questions)


  • CHECKINS (one month, three month, six month)

  • EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND QUESTIONNAIRE (give agent onboarding survey)

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